Two people standing on a beach cliff

Our purpose and strategy

Our purpose is defined by our determination to work towards a world where there is a healthy balance between the well-being of people, the needs of societies, the success of businesses and the diversity of nature.

To power a world where people, businesses and nature thrive together.

As one of the cleanest energy generators in Europe, we help societies to reach carbon neutrality, and our customers to grow and decarbonise their processes in a reliable and profitable way, in balance with nature. Everything we do and all decisions we make will originate from our purpose.

Strategic priorities

We deliver reliable clean energy

We deliver reliable clean energy, when needed and at scale, to our customers and the Nordic energy system. We will decarbonize those operations that still have emissions.

We drive decarbonisation in industries

We drive decarbonisation and growth – and thus clean energy demand – in Nordic industries. We achieve this by partnering with strategic customers.

We transform and develop

To succeed in the strategy execution, we need to transform and develop our operating model and the way we work.

Powering a thriving world

Our strategy – designed to deliver our purpose

Our two strategic business priorities indicate where we will focus our efforts. Our first priority is to deliver reliable clean energy, when needed and at scale, to our customers and the Nordic energy system. This means we will continue to develop our best-in-class operations for efficiency, flexibility and optimisation. We will also continue to decarbonise and modernise those operations that still have emissions, backed by ambitious environmental commitments.

Secondly, we drive decarbonisation and growth in Nordic industries. We achieve this by partnering with strategic customers, developing and building new clean power and driving the development of clean hydrogen. Together with our partners, we make selective growth investments to renewable energy and explore opportunities in clean hydrogen and new nuclear.

Our third strategic priority describes how we are going to develop and transform to succeed. We restructure our organization to fit-for-purpose, and transform Fortum to a customer-oriented company. We improve how we manage our risk profile and strengthen our open leadership.

Creating value

Our value to our stakeholders lies in our ability to efficiently, reliably and flexibly deliver clean energy at scale – combined with our clear commitment and pathway to the carbon neutrality of our own operations, and our firm stand in protecting biodiversity.

Our financial targets guide how we look at investments going forward and pursue our business priorities: delivering reliable clean energy and driving decarbonisation in industries.

Our broad role in society is reflected in our new comprehensive and ambitious sustainability targets. By setting these targets we want to be in the front line of our industry to prove that the balance can ultimately be reached.

Our strong company values, our skills and experience make us confident about our commitment, our journey, and ultimately about the results we aim to achieve.

Our environmental and financial targets

Our environmental targets

We are committed to carbon neutrality and protecting biodi­versity. Our core business – reliably deliv­ering clean energy – is more important than ever. We are once again one of the cleanest energy gener­ators in Europe, and have the ambition to become a leader in sustain­ability.

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Our financial targets

Financial targets give guidance on Fortum's view of the company's long-term value creation potential, its growth strategy and business activ­ities.

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Press releases

Fortum renews strategy to drive clean transition

New financial targets and dividend policy and more ambitious environ­mental targets.

Read the press release

Fortum updates business and reporting structure, and appoints new members to the Leadership Team

Fortum is reorganising the Group’s operating model to drive the execution of the Group’s revised strategy announced today. The new business structure and revised Fortum Leadership Team (FLT) will be effective at the end of March.

Read the press release